

Apr 27, 2010

people come and go

found out today that a former resident of mine has passed.  this is one of the downfalls of my job.  losing these precious lives.  this woman had an amazing life.  the stories her daughters would tell me of her were amazing.  working on a cruise ship many many moons ago and then sneaking off to come to the promise land known as the US of A.  i always giggled at her scarfs that she would wear and her calling me "nurrssa".  i'm not a nurse by any means.  i know she is relaxing and enjoying all the cookies and pineapple juice she can drink in her special place. always made me smile and i am blessed having the chance to meet you and be part of your life.  god bless


Blogs said...

oh so sorry-never easy:) warm thoughts your way...xoxox

nanner said...

thanks sooo much Vic